It's The Great Equalizer

Closing the Wealth Gap One Family at a Time!

Begin Your Wealth-Building Journey.

Sign Up below for free resources teaching us what we should all understand about money.

The Whole Truth About Money.

Take it a step further. Schedule your wealth strategy consultation today.

At Rebel Rock Wealth, we teach you the WHOLE truth about money and show you strategies to keep more money in your pocket.

The sign-up form above gives you immediate wealth-building resources. Our services below provide you with customized strategies to help you:

  • Improve your cash flow.
  • Grow your money.
  • Reduce your taxes.
  • Protect your legacy.

Review the best program for you and your family's needs, and schedule your Discovery Call.

Rebel Rock Wealth Consultation Strategy

Wealth Strategy Consultation

Get a comprehensive analysis of your finances and put strategies in place to address:

Capital Reserves

Cash Flow

Debt Paydown


Capital Expansion


Wealth Strategy Consultation for Business

Get a comprehensive analysis of your business and personal finances and put strategies in place to address:

Capital Reserves

Cash Flow

Debt Paydown


Capital Expansion


Employee Benefits

Rebel Rock Wealth Business Wealth Strategy
Rebel Rock Wealth Life Insurance

Insurance Consultation

Protect your assets and family by getting the right insurance in place.

Life Insurance

Income Protection

Long-Term Care

The Destroying Debt Program

This program is for those suffocating under student loans, consumer credit cards, and other debt.

The Debt Pay-down Strategy

Free Up Cash Flow

Build Savings

Rebel Rock Wealth Debt Paydown
Rebel Rock Wealth Grow Your Wealth

Infinite Expansion

 Diversify how you grow your wealth.

Not Co-Related With the Stock Market.

Short, Medium, Long-Term Opportunities

Collateralized & Contractual 

Use Cash or Retirement Accounts

Pick Lesley's Wealth Brain😀

Do you have a specific money or wealth question to ask Lesley? Then pick her brain for 60-minutes🙌. 

Review your existing life insurance policies

Analyze the pros and cons of a potential deal

Pick my brain about a particular concept

Rebel Rock Wealth Lesley Batson